UK BIM Framework Launch Event

Whilst at Digital Construction Week, the UK BIM Alliance, BSi and CDBB co-hosted a launch event for the new UK BIM Framework and including a new website providing information and guidance on the latest Digital Construction Standards and Processes to be utilised on all construction projects and enforcing the Business as Usual attitude to Digital Construction in the UK.

UK BIM Framework Logo

It was a very well attended private event which was hosted and chaired by Dr Anne Kemp OBE and vice chair Casey Rutland. Following a rousing speech by both leaders there was congratulatory thanks to all in the room to illustrate that this level of change in the construction industry can only be instigated as a collective and not by one individual. This event celebrated what has been done so far and marks the next step in effecting change and moving forward with more development in the future.

UK BIM Framework Launch Event

Man and Machine plan to be a key part in delivering better information management across all sectors of the industry and with a core of talented staff, hope to provide help and advice to as many companies and individuals as possible.

Should you need any help on your digital information management and construction journey please contact the team at [email protected]

Further details regarding the UK BIM Framework can be found on the UK BIM Alliance website or the dedicated website links below:

UK BIM Alliance
UK BIM Framework