Inventor Drawing Resource Transfer Wizard

The Drawing Resource Transfer Wizard in Inventor is a handy tool for copying title blocks, borders and sketch symbols between drawings. This is particularly useful if you are ever tasked with updating the title blocks of a multitude of different drawings. Below is an illustrated guide demonstrating how to perform this action efficiently.

1. Before beginning, ensure that you have one drawing with the updated title block / border.

Inventor Drawing Resources

2. Start the Drawing Resource Transfer Wizard via the start menu in Windows.

Drawing Resource Transfer Wizard

3. Select the drawing from which the drawing resources (title block, border and sketch symbols) will be copied.

Drawing Resource Transfer Wizard Start Screen
Drawing Resource Transfer Wizard Source Selection

4. Next, select the drawing resources that are to be copied.

Drawing Resource Transfer Wizard - Selecting Resources

5. Select the drawings which are to receive the copied drawing resources.

Drawing Resource Transfer Wizard Drawings to Receive Copied Resources

6. Execute the copy. Decide whether or not you wish to overwrite existing drawing resources (i.e. overwrite a title block which bears the same name).

Drawing Resource Transfer Wizard - Replace Resources
Drawing Resource Transfer Wizard - Begin Processing
Drawing Resource Transfer Wizard - Completion Screen

7. Within each of the drawings, the new title block, border and sketch symbols are available as drawing resources. Where required, delete existing borders/blocks/symbols, and insert the newly copied resources.

Inventor Drawing New Resources
Inventor - Inserting New Resources
Inventor - New Title Block
Inventor - Remove Existing Resouces
Inventor Drawing - Delete Resources
Inventor Drawing with Clear Sheet
Inventor Drawing - Inserting New Resources
Inventor Drawing - Inserting New Resources
Inventor Drawing with New Resources

As you can see, with the Drawing Resource Transfer Wizard, performing bulk updates to drawings needn’t be painful. If you are interested in learning more about the wonderful world of CAD, or would like to hone your skills with any particular Autodesk software, such as Inventor or AutoCAD, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Our professional trainers live and breathe CAD, and are eager to show you things that will make you more efficient in your work.