Dynamo User Group

I was very excited to attend my first Dynamo user group this week in London and wanted to export the sensations of being in a room with so many dynamo enthusiasts.

I didn’t know what to expect. My initial thoughts were that I would be way out of my depth and be in a room full of coders and pythons would bite me along with stabbed by sharp Cs.

But I was pleasantly greeted with beers and a welcome from the community organisers and soon met some other users who informed me that coding was not a strong point either.

Dynamo Interoperability Strategy

The format of the evening was 10 minute quick fire slots from a range of dynamo users, both new and experienced.

One of the first sessions was the interoperability between Rhino and Revit with dynamo being the middle man.

The moral of the session was simplicity, taking 69 nodes and condensing it down to 2 to create the most optimized script possible.

Dynamo Tips & Tricks

Other sessions centred around security within dynamo. The packages that users download and use contain sections of script which could be unknown viruses.

This is something that I had not considered before.

One of the presenters was a winner of the dynamo hackathon that had happened earlier in the year.

During the hackathon they designed a program that would allow a user to check versions and the difference between scripts.

Overall, the night was very informative and it was great to see the kind of support dynamo is gaining.

The impression I got was that it is becoming more business as usual within companies using Revit, both big and very small.

Because it is such a narrow field the networking was great. People were very open to sharing their experiences.

I would definitely recommend anyone who wants to expand their perception of dynamo and meet some leading edge thinkers in its field to join in on the dynamo user group.

Links below to sign up to the newsletter which will email you when an event occurs.
