Autodesk Upchain New Features

Autodesk Upchain New Features

Autodesk Upchain’s November 2023 update is a game-changer, packed with features designed to streamline workflows, enhance collaboration, and boost overall efficiency. Let’s dive into some of the key highlights: 

Effortless EBOM Editing: Say goodbye to time-consuming external edits! Upchain now lets you edit EBOM attributes directly within the platform. No need to download and modify assemblies – make edits from item view, project BOM search, or advanced search for a seamless experience. 

Overwrite Local Files with Confidence: Introducing the all-new overwrite functionality. This allows you to seamlessly overwrite local files that have been changed but not checked out, ensuring everyone on your team has access to the latest versions. No more version control headaches! 

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Consistent BOM Structures with Inventor: Upchain now seamlessly integrates with Inventor’s bill of materials table. Phantom and reference components are automatically included, leading to increased accuracy and a complete picture of your product’s components. 

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Faster SolidWorks Derived Parts Release: Streamline your release process! Upchain now lets you quickly release all derived parts associated with a drawing within the same change request as the master part. This eliminates the need for separate requests and saves valuable time. 

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Faster SolidWorks Derived Parts Release: Streamline your release process! Upchain now lets you quickly release all derived parts associated with a drawing within the same change request as the master part. This eliminates the need for separate requests and saves valuable time. 

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Enhanced Change Notice Workflow: The November update brings several improvements to change notices. User comments on decisions and tasks are now readily accessible, fostering better communication. Additionally, the maximum number of BOM components per change notice has been increased to a whopping 40,000 – perfect for handling larger projects. 

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Bulk Export Made Easy: Upchain’s bulk export capabilities have received a significant boost. The threshold for exportable BOM components has been raised to an impressive 30,000, allowing for efficient export of even larger datasets and ensuring everyone has access to the latest information. 

Automatic Revision Note Uppercase Conversion: Maintain consistency effortlessly! Upchain now automatically converts any entry saved to the revision note field in a change request to uppercase. This ensures clarity and eliminates the need for manual adjustments. 

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Admin Features and User Interface Tailoring: Upchain empowers admins with the ability to show and hide available columns, enabling a more personalized user experience. Additionally, table searching now allows for filtering based on a combination of column names and values. These features empower administrators to tailor Upchain to their specific needs and improve usability for all team members. 

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French Language Support: Upchain expands its global reach with French language support for both the web interface and plugins. Users can conveniently switch language preferences based on their browser settings for the web version. The plugin automatically adopts the Windows language settings for a seamless experience. 

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Iparts Support: Upchain now supports the registering of iParts. Upchain recognizes the parent-child relationship between them, but creating an item for the factory file won’t automatically add it to the bill of materials (BOM). For more information on this topic look here  

This is just a glimpse of the exciting developments in latest Upchain update. With its focus on streamlined workflows, enhanced collaboration, and improved user experience, Upchain continues to empower businesses to manage their product lifecycles more efficiently and effectively. 

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