AutoCAD Block Attribute Manager

Blocks with attributes can be very useful but quite often the attributes will appear on the Attribute Editor in a random order, usually the order they were created in.

In my example below I have a block with six invisible attributes, these attributes do not appear to be in a logical order.

Blocks with Invisible Attributes

To re-organize and possibly re-format these attributes I will use the Block Attribute Manager… aka BATTMAN…. yes that’s right we are going to send out that signal and get the help of BATTMAN.

Block Attribute Manager

Once the BATTMAN has been summoned you will be able move your attributes up and down the order, re-format, delete and even change the tag if required.

BATTMAN Edit Attribute
Edit Attribute Dialogue

Organizing your attributes in a logical will order will make filling in their values much easier and reduce drafting time, especially when working with title blocks.

Don’t forget when ever you change the attributes of a block you must perform an Attribute Sync to update the block with your changes, you can do this from the Block Attribute Manager or use the ATTSYNC command.

Block Attribute Manager Sync Button