Technology Adoption

The demand for more time in the working day has never been greater – why are we waiting to embrace technology?

It’s the question I’m always asking our customers. And I’m talking about true, real, genuine adoption of technology. Long gone are the days of buying a piece of software, doing an online training course or the first seminar based “fundamentals” course you see, and in turn being able to work in a semi-proficient way. It doesn’t work and we’re setting staff up to fail if that is the expectation.

Time is a commodity that is stretched more now than ever in the workplace. So why are we not leveraging the technology that’s now available to us, to take that stress (somewhat) away? In turn, efficiencies are then found and you can deliver more from the time you put in. We often see organisations being reactive rather than proactive and this is a dangerous state to remain in for a prolonged period of time.

If there was ever a lesson to learn from COVID, it proved that in times where we didn’t have a choice but to adopt technology, cloud ways of working actually made construction and manufacturing industries more efficient. COVID has somewhat been a digital accelerant in the workplace, but we still have some way to go. Without discussing the latest hot topic; AI, I believe there are still legs in getting more from what you currently have or simply looking at how to consolidate your construction or manufacturing workflows in technologies that are more established. Finding that expert to help is often the hard task. Who can help you look at things holistically and do so with your true interests as the priority?

It’s not just construction and manufacturing that need to change or are changing. I read an interesting article online recently which was published on

. A reported £45bn in savings each year could be made by public sector through new technology! So what would that represent to construction (£513bn industry in 2023) and manufacturing (£456bn industry in 2023) in the UK alone? I’m sure the number would be equally staggering.

Archaic tech sees public sector miss £45 billion annual savings – GOV.UK

So where should you start? Great question and it really depends on a number of things. It’s important to remember that digital transformation within your organisation doesn’t have to be an “expensive” thing and it doesn’t require you to have a big budget, within a large organisation to achieve it. I say the same points to each customer and person we meet, no matter the size of team:

Of course, there are always things you should do but what are things you should avoid:

The demands on UK construction and manufacturing have never been greater. Overheads, project demands, recruitment/ talent retention, sustainability, the list goes on and on. The time for meaningful technology adoption however is now. Making your organisation as effective, efficient, proactive and streamlined as possible will not only make your team stand out with customers and create great relationships, it will also maintain a happy workforce.

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